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What is the Osiris Federal Republic?

About: Welcome

Our Beginnings

The Osiris Federal Republic began as a means of escaping tyranny, a place free from the grips of autocracy and control. Since then, it has developed into a place for individuals to strive for a better future, to create and explore within Dual Universe; strong, united, and free.

About: About

About Our Republic

The founding of this republic began as a split from the tyranny of TFA and its leadership. Seeking independence, sovereignty, and freedom; our founders set to establish a nation that was built upon democracy! Our goal is to provide freedom, opportunity and success to all our citizens; all things we were stripped of under the tyranny of autocracy! All branches of our government have sworn to commit themselves to these values!

Innovation is at the forefront of how we help build a better future for our people. Through the initiation of new projects and programs, our government is here to serve the people's interests. 

About: About

Our Values

The Moral Foundation of OFR

Our government was built upon upholding the liberties and freedoms of our players; something that is commonly taken for granted within DU. Prevalent autocracies have held a grip on players and their labor for too long! Today is a chance for you to join us in our fight to protect our sacred Novean rights!

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